OTel profiling agent 基于eBPF,实现了全系统跨语言的性能分析器。这个项目使用eBPF,可以抓取到详细的用户态调用栈。具有几个令人惊讶的优点:
调用栈的unwind能力也很强,没有frame pointer和debug信息的情况,使用eh_frame
目前,项目迁移到这里 (贡献给opentelemetry了)。
version(./otel-profiling-agent -version 1.0.0
- 启动桌面
, 原因是这个 - 启动devfiler
- 启动agent
./otel-profiling-agent -collection-agent= -disable-tls
96: perf_event name unwind_stop tag fae114b82570e3a6 gpl
loaded_at 2024-08-12T06:53:10+0000 uid 0
xlated 1912B jited 1106B memlock 4096B map_ids 4136,4127,4161,4126,4154,4156,4120,4122
pids otel-profiling-(248974)
97: perf_event name unwind_native tag 8cb52dc37b580f55 gpl
loaded_at 2024-08-12T06:53:10+0000 uid 0
xlated 30104B jited 18718B memlock 32768B map_ids 4136,4127,4142,4139,4117,4152,4165,4160,4141,4124,4148,4158,4119,4132,4130,4146,4150,4166,4143,4144,4137
pids otel-profiling-(248974)
98: perf_event name unwind_hotspot tag 1b16d67b1b30cdfd gpl
loaded_at 2024-08-12T06:53:11+0000 uid 0
xlated 24912B jited 16377B memlock 28672B map_ids 4136,4163,4127,4143,4144,4137
pids otel-profiling-(248974)
99: perf_event name unwind_perl tag a1e3600b9c3977d8 gpl
loaded_at 2024-08-12T06:53:11+0000 uid 0
xlated 23536B jited 15344B memlock 24576B map_ids 4136,4134,4127,4120,4137
pids otel-profiling-(248974)
100: perf_event name unwind_php tag 6263ab26eab28b4d gpl
loaded_at 2024-08-12T06:53:11+0000 uid 0
xlated 24656B jited 15579B memlock 28672B map_ids 4136,4155,4127,4153,4143,4137
pids otel-profiling-(248974)
101: perf_event name unwind_python tag d080953241eeff47 gpl
loaded_at 2024-08-12T06:53:11+0000 uid 0
xlated 27064B jited 15995B memlock 28672B map_ids 4136,4167,4127,4120,4137
pids otel-profiling-(248974)
102: perf_event name unwind_ruby tag 9f4542b44e98c357 gpl
loaded_at 2024-08-12T06:53:11+0000 uid 0
xlated 28528B jited 18819B memlock 28672B map_ids 4136,4125,4127,4137
pids otel-profiling-(248974)
103: perf_event name unwind_v8 tag aaf69c0349b0d4a4 gpl
loaded_at 2024-08-12T06:53:11+0000 uid 0
xlated 27352B jited 17008B memlock 28672B map_ids 4136,4135,4127,4143,4144,4137
pids otel-profiling-(248974)
104: tracepoint name tracepoint__sch tag 5b45f73c7a5ca381 gpl
loaded_at 2024-08-12T06:53:11+0000 uid 0
xlated 832B jited 464B memlock 4096B map_ids 4161,4143,4126,4127,4154,4156
pids otel-profiling-(248974)
105: perf_event name native_tracer_e tag 269b8bf14315d6ed gpl
loaded_at 2024-08-12T06:53:11+0000 uid 0
xlated 3104B jited 2206B memlock 4096B map_ids 4136,4127,4133,4143,4161,4126,4144,4137,4154,4156
pids otel-profiling-(248974)
何时触发eBPF程序? 不同语言的栈结构是不完全相同的,是如何回溯不同的栈的?
eBPF的主要的hook点是perf_event,首先通过在每一个CPU上设置上周期执行的perf profiling事件,然后将eBPF通过ioctl绑定到perf-event上,每次perf框架驱动profiling事件时,执行eBPF程序,首先执行的是native_tracer_entry
, eBPF程序主要在native_stack_trace.ebpf.c中:
- perf_event/unwind_native
- perf_event/native_tracer_entry
tracer/tracer.go 代码freg 默认20,一秒20次
// AttachTracer attaches the main tracer entry point to the perf interrupt events. The tracer
// entry point is always the native tracer. The native tracer will determine when to invoke the
// interpreter tracers based on address range information.
func (t *Tracer) AttachTracer(sampleFreq int) error {
tracerProg, ok := t.ebpfProgs["native_tracer_entry"]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("entry program is not available")
perfAttribute := new(perf.Attr)
if err := perf.CPUClock.Configure(perfAttribute); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to configure software perf event: %v", err)
onlineCPUIDs, err := hostcpu.ParseCPUCoreIDs(hostcpu.CPUOnlinePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get online CPUs: %v", err)
events := t.perfEntrypoints.WLock()
defer t.perfEntrypoints.WUnlock(&events)
for _, id := range onlineCPUIDs {
perfEvent, err := perf.Open(perfAttribute, perf.AllThreads, id, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to attach to perf event on CPU %d: %v", id, err)
if err := perfEvent.SetBPF(uint32(tracerProg.FD())); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to attach eBPF program to perf event: %v", err)
*events = append(*events, perfEvent)
return nil
,找到对应的加载器(比如elf中的ld entry),并将结果再存到eBPF map中供eBPF程序使用。查找interpreter是很慢的操作,不适合用eBPF实现。
用户态processManager负责管理使用哪个interpreter 主要的代码流程如下:
, 然后根据interpreter信息,通过tailcall的方式调用各自语言的eBPF程序,unwind_ruby, unwind_pyth ...
栈回溯 - unwind
frame point存在(有rbp), 这种情况下回溯是比较简单的:
If the binary has been compiled with a frame pointer register, then identifying where the return
address has been stored and recursively walking the stack is simple: for example, the x86_64 ABI
specifies that the frame pointer register is rbp, that the return address of the current frame is stored
at the address pointed by rbp+8, and that the base pointer of the previous frame is stored at the address pointed by rbp.
frame pointer是可以去掉的,栈的维护并不依赖它,通过rsp和当前frame的长度就可以回到上一个frame。gcc有个编译参数可以去掉fp – -fomit-frame-pointer
. 缺少FP的情况,OTel profing agent 使用了eh_frame信息回溯。eh_frame信息也是用户态Golang准备好的,就是项目中的stack delta
- 本文作者:seamaner
- 本文链接:https://seamaner.github.io/2024/08/12/elastic-otel-profiling-agent/
- 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证)